Saturday, August 31, 2024


Millville United Methodist Church

36405 Club House Road

Millville, DE 19967


Pastor Wendy Butterworth



Current Officers and Chairpersons:



Administrative Council Chairperson  
      Admin. Council Chairperson Asst. Lee Brubaker
      Council Secretary Connie Warner
Chairperson of Evangelism Donald Maeby
Chairperson of Missions Ellen Hitchens
Chairperson of Finance Rich Spina
Chairperson of Outreach Marianne Smith
Chairperson of Pastor Parish Relations Tom Binaut
Chairperson of Trustees Chuck Erbe
Chairperson of Worship  
Memorial Committee Chairperson Alice Brubaker
*UMW President Phyllis Rudd
Church Treasurer Laura Weaver
      Financial Secretary Lee Brubaker
Church Secretary
Marilyn Ferry
Membership Secretary Donna Binaut
Sunshine Secretary Mary Towson
Lay Leader Janet Smith
      Lay Member to Annual Conference
        Reserve Lay Member to Annual Conference
Kathy Pugh
Representatives to Barrett's Chapel Bill & Sharon Graham
Church Historian Marilyn Ferry
Choir Director Elizabeth Skinner
Camp Pecometh Representative Connie Warner
Native American Ministries Representative  


*Elected by United Methodist Women


 Names in bold are new for 2020