Sunday, September 01, 2024
The making of a prayer shawl is a spiritual practice which embodies our thoughts and prayers for the receiver.  It is a gift freely given with no strings attached;  made in prayer, as prayer, for prayer.  The shawls are passed on hand - to - hand and heart - to - heart.
The Pocket Prayer Shawl is meant to bring comfort, love and knowing that prayers have been asked for whomever touches this tiny piece of yarn.  It can be carried in a pocket, purse or pinned to a loved ones pillow.  The Pocket Prayer Shawl can be tucked into a card and mailed across country or across an ocean.  Please include your prayers when giving it to someone.
"...and lo, I am with you always" Matthew 28:20
Our Ministry at MUMC is built around Workshops at Wesley Hall where we work on the Prayer Shawls and write our prayer cards that will be attached to the shawls.  Please join us!!  You don't need to know how to knit or crochet.  We would love to teach you.  Come and enjoy the fellowship, meet new people, learn new stitches, exchange patterns and many ideas.  All are welcome . 
If you know someone in need of God's love, to help them through illness, sadness, loneliness, a bad situation, etc., a Prayer Shawl may be appropriate. They can also be given to newborns, newly married, or in recognition of any of God's blessings.  For information or to obtain a Prayer Shawl, contact Sharon Graham or Ellen Hitchens .
Dear Lord,
Please bless those in need of your grace and healing powers.  Help them to feel your love and give them peace.
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