Wednesday, February 05, 2025
In John 21:16 "'Jesus said, 'Simon, son of John, do you truly love me?' He answered, 'Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.' Jesus said, 'Take care of My Sheep.'" All of us are "His Sheep".
Being a 'mature' congregation at MUMC, we found many needing help after a sickness, surgery or injury. Often this need was for only a short period of time and was not for medical aid, but for assistance in getting through until the situation had improved. As a result, we started LOVING CARE. Taking care of "His Sheep" is what LOVING CARE is all about. We may be the one in need of 'care' or we may be the one 'giving care' and over time, our role may change.
If you know of or have a need, contact LOVING CARE by phone or email as indicated below. We will provide caregivers a break from the daily routine, i.e. provide transportation to doctor visits or shopping, bring in meals, sit and listen, play games, write a letter, read to you, make phone calls, pray with you, etc. We will also assist you in finding out where more permanent help is available via other agencies. We do this out of love and the need to follow God's command to those who love Him.
Church, 539-9077, email
Nancy Bowers.
If you have some free time and would like to share your talents by assisting in 'giving care' to someone in need, please contact one of the above and become part of LOVING CARE.
"All people will know that you are My followers, if you love each other" John 13:35 NCV